June 2003 Report to the Congress: Variation and Innovation
Chapter 1: Geographic variation in per beneficiary Medicare expenditures (June 2003 report)
Chapter 2: Market variation: implications for beneficiaries and policy reform (June 2003 report)
Chapter 3: Accounting for variation in hospital financial performance under prospective payment (June 2003 report)
Chapter 4: Growth and variation in use of physician services (June 2003 report)
Chapter 5: Monitoring post-acute care (June 2003 report)
Chapter 6: Quality of dialysis care and providers' costs (June 2003 report)
Chapter 7: Using incentives to improve the quality of care in Medicare (June 2003 report)
Chapter 8: Using market competition in fee-for-service Medicare (June 2003 report)
Chapter 9: Medicare payments for outpatient drugs under Part B (June 2003 report)
Appendix A: Review of CMS's estimate of the payment update for physician services (June 2003 report)
Appendix B: Agenda for improved data on Medicare and healthcare (June 2003 report)
Appendix C: Commissioners' voting on recommendations (June 2003 report)